Weekly Bulletin – Sunday Nov. 15th 2020
Sunday, 15th November 2020 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
World Day of the Poor
Parish of Sts. Columbanus & Gall, Milltown, Dublin
Sunday, 15th November 2020 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
World Day of the Poor
Thank you for your donations to last week’s Offertory and Share Collections.
Donations to these collections can be made online from this Parish Website at www.milltownparish.ie.
This Week’s Feast Days
Monday 16th: St. Margaret of Scotland
Tuesday 17th: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Wednesday 18th: The Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss Peter & Paul
Saturday 21st: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Altar List of the Dead: In November each year when we pray for our dead, churches enrol the names of our relatives and friends who have departed this life on an annual ‘Altar List of the Dead’. There are envelopes available on the tables beside the entrance doors to the church if you wish to complete your Altar List of the Dead and return it to the church.
Due to Level 5 restrictions there will be no public Mass in Milltown church until further notice.
Daily on line Mass is at 10am and at 11.30am on Sundays.
All Masses are livestreamed and can be viewed on:
Livestreamed Masses can also be accessed through our parish website: www.milltownparish.ie.
The church is open for private prayer on Monday – Saturday from 10.45 to 5.30pm and on Sunday from 12,30pm to 5.30pm.
The Mary Aikenhead Centre in Donnybrook operates a ‘Meals on Wheels Service’ for our area.
The service provides a healthy meal delivered direct to elderly and housebound person’s homes five days a week Monday to Friday.
If you are an elderly person from this area and would like to avail of this service, please contact the Centre at 01 2698995
Due to current Level 5 Covid Restrictions, there are no public Masses in our church. If these restrictions remain in place the Society’s Annual Christmas Indoor Collection, scheduled to be on December 13th, will not take place. In previous years donations to this collection have greatly help the Society to provide food, heating and educational costs for those in need.
The Society are currently considering alternative arrangements for their Christmas collection and will confirm their decision within the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, you can donate to the Society in any of the methods outlined below
Leave a donation to the Society into the Sacristy or Parish Office
Donate to the Society’s bank account
IBAN: IE70 AIBK 931187 16662000 BIC: AIBKIE2D
Donate online to Conference @ svp.ie
Call 0818 176 176 or 028 9075 0161
Accord Dublin continues to provide a Marriage and Relationship Counselling service.
Accord continues to offer preparation courses for the Sacrament of Marriage. These courses are conducted via zoom during the current lockdown.
Contact details for Accord Dublin are on their website: www.accorddublin.ie
Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving
People from all walks of life and beliefs, united in their wish to honour organ donors, are encouraged to come together for the Irish Kidney Association’s 35th Annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving. The Irish Kidney Association promises a truly special and poignant Service for people of all beliefs which is laced with beautiful music and symbolic processions, readings and messages from the President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins Archbishop Diarmuid Martin and Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin and Bishop of Glendalough. The Annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving will be broadcast on RTÉ on Sunday, 15th November 2020 at 11am