Volunteers to help re-opening
Sunday 2nd May 2021
Dear Parishioners,
From to-morrow week, Monday 10th May, we will be permitted to celebrate public Mass in our church. However, for the moment, we are only permitted to admit 50 people to any one Mass.
We are appealing for volunteers to help with the necessary stewarding and sanitising for the following Masses:
the 10.00 a.m. daily Masses (beginning Monday 10th May).
the Saturday evening Mass at 6.00 pm (beginning the 15th May),
and the Sunday Masses at 10.00 am and 11.30 a.m. (beginning the 16th May).
Please contact me at 01-2196600 for further information / if you wish to volunteer.
May I take the moment to thank you all for your continuing and generous support.
Keep well.
Fr. Peter Briscoe.