Parish Newsletter September 2nd,2018
Parish of Sts. Columbanus & Gall, Milltown, Dublin 6
This Week’s Feast Days
Mon. 3rd: St. Gregory
Sat. 8th: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Thank you for your contributions to last Sunday’s collections.
The Offertory Collection amounted to €1195 and the Share collection amounted to €720.
This Friday, September 7th is the First Friday of the month. The 10am Mass on the day will be offered for all who are recently deceased and those whose names are on the Parish Altar List of the Dead.
Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to The People of God:
Pope Francis has responded to new reports of clerical sexual abuse and the ecclesial cover-up of abuse. In an impassioned letter addressed to the whole People of God, he calls on the Church to be close to victims in solidarity, and to join in acts of prayer and fasting in penance for such “atrocities”.
Copies of this recent letter are available on the Parish Book Stand. This letter can also be read on the Parish website.
Milltown Parish Bridge Club meet in the Parish Pastoral Centre on Monday morning and Wednesday evening. New members are welcome. For more details please see
Milltown Parish’s Active Retirement Group
Milltown Parish’s Active Retirement Group have organised an outing to the Garda College in Templemore. This will take place on Tuesday Sept. 18th. Bookings for this outing must be paid for by September 12th. Mary O’ Gorman will be taking bookings on Wednesdays September 5th and 12th in the Parish Pastoral Centre between 10.30 and 11.30am.
For further information, please call: 087 2959518
Milltown Parish Project 200 Building Works:
Thank you to those who have donated to our Building Fund. Please note that the correct IBAN No. for donations is IE90ULSB98505006326277
To assist us with bank regulations we ask you to make cheques payable to Milltown Parish
During the building works the church will be closed for all religious services from Mondays to Fridays (at any time) and on Saturdays until the evening.
Sunday Masses, (including the 6pm Vigil Mass on Saturdays), i.e. Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 10.00am, 11.30am and 5.30pm will be held in the Parish Church
The Irish Countrywomen’s Association
The Irish Countrywomen’s Association will return to the Parish Pastoral Centre on this Thursday, September 6th. For further information, please contact Anne at 087 2421328.
Eucharistic Ministers
Copies of the September, October & November Rota for Eucharistic Ministers is available for collection from the Parish Office.