Parish Newsletter October 7th ,2018

Parish of Sts. Columbanus & Gall, Milltown, Dublin 6

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

‘I tell you solemnly, anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little
child will never enter it.’ (Mark 10)

This Week’s Feast Days

Tues.9 th : Blessed John Henry Newman
Thurs.10 th : St. John XX111.


Thank you for your contributions to last Sunday’s collections. The Offertory Collection amounted to €1387 and the Share Collection amounted to €880.


We have received a thank you letter from Crosscare for parishioner’s contributions of €5056 to their recent collection for Community & Homeless Services.


Fr. Alan’s Parish Prayer Group meets on Monday afternoons in the Parish Pastoral Centre at 3pm. This group will be exploring Prayer, Mindfulness and finding God in our lives.


We offer our condolences to the family and friends of the late Gerald Freeman whose funeral took place in Donnybrook church during the last week.

On this Tuesday the Parish’s Active Retirement Group will visit St. Bartholomew’s Church on Clyde Road. Those attending this visit are asked to meet at St. Bartholomew’s Church 11am. The Active Retirement Group  have resumed their Gentle Activity to Music sessions on Wednesday mornings after the 10am Mass in the Parish Pastoral Centre.


Safety and Security Public Event:

In an effort to provide safety and security advice for older persons An Garda Siochana are hosting a Safety and Security Public event at the Talbot  (Stillorgan Park) Hotel on this Tuesday 9 th October at 10am. In the current climate where our older communities may feel vulnerable, it’s important that we are offering reassurance and guidance.  John Paul Durkan, Garda, Dun Laogharie Garda Station – Tel: 01 6665020.

The Irish Hospice Foundation:

‘Living with Loss’ Bereavement Information Evening will take place on Thursday 1 st November, from 5.30–8.00pm at the Alex Hotel, 41-47 Fenian Street,  dublin 2.  Niamh Fitzpatrick, sister of Captain Dara Fitzpatrick, will address the gathering and speak on the theme ‘Living with Loss’.  Admission is free.    For more information, contact The Irish Hospice Foundation:

Dublin City Council’s Neighbourhood Awards.

Congratulations to the residents of Palmerston Grove who were awarded 1 st place in the Dublin South East Area and 2 nd place in Dublin City at this
year’s Dublin City Council’s Neighbourhood Awards.

Milltown Parish Project 200 Building Works:

/Thank you to those who have donated to our Building Fund. Please note that the correct IBAN No. for donations is IE90ULSB98505006326277.  Buiding Project Page

Next Saturday’s 6pm Mass will be a Mass of Thanksgiving for Monsignor Stack’s Diamond Jubilee. All parishioners are welcome to attend this Mass and the reception which will follow in the Parish Pastoral Centre. Please contact the Parish office if you are available to help at this event.

On this Monday, May 21 st the Parish Baptism Team will meet Parents and Godparents of children who are to be baptised here in April. This meeting will take place in the Parish Pastoral Centre at 8pm

Volunteer with St Paul’s Youth Ministry:

Ministry: St Pauls Youth Outreach are looking for volunteers.  For the types of roles and leadership you can get involved in, please visit or email  All Volunteers will be Garda vetted and will undergo safeguarding training.