Parish Newsletter September 23rd,2018

Parish of Sts. Columbanus & Gall, Milltown, Dublin 6  

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all.’
(Mark 9)

This Week’s Feast Days

Tues.25th: St. Finbar

Wed.26th: St. Cosmas & Damian

Thurs.27th: St. Vincent De Paul

Sat.29th: St. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, Archangels.



Thank you for your contributions to last Sunday’s collections.

The Offertory Collection amounted to €1334 and the Crosscare Collection amounted to €5056.


Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives will speak at all Masses today.


January Rota for Ministers of the Word

Copies of the September – January Rota for Ministers of the Word is available for collection from the Parish Office.



Fr. Alan will be re gathering the Parish Prayer Group on Monday October 1st in the Parish Pastoral Centre at 3pm.  This group will be exploring Prayer, Mindfulness and finding God in our lives.



Volunteer with Trócaire in Ireland: Trócaire supports some of the most vulnerable people in the developing world, while also raising awareness of injustice and global poverty in Ireland.

We are a group of committed individuals who meet three times a year in Dublin to organise initiatives in our communities for Trócaire.  Would you be interested in becoming involved?  If so, email or visit for more information.


Peter McVerry Trust

We have received a thank you letter from the Peter McVerry Trust for the €2,952.81 which was donated to their recent Church gate collection here at Milltown.

‘Living with Loss’

November is traditionally a month for remembrance. The Irish Hospice Foundation event aims to provide information about grief and the range of supports available to bereaved people. Members of the public are invited to attend this free public event on:

Thursday, 1st November from 5.30pm – 8.00pm in the Alex Hotel, 41-47 Fenian Street (off Merrion Square), Dublin 2.

The evening will open at 5.30pm with a formal introduction. There will also be an opportunity to chat to voluntary bereavement support services about the supports they provide.  During the evening Niamh Fitzpatrick will address the gathering and speak on the theme ‘Living with Loss’.

Milltown Parish Project 200 Building Works:

Thank you to those who have donated to our Building Fund. Please note that the correct IBAN No. for donations is IE90ULSB98505006326277.

The Legion of Mary’s Annual Pilgrimage to Knock

The Legion of Mary’s Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place next Sunday, 30th Sept. Coach departs Ryan’s, Windy Arbour at 8am. For further details, please contact Una at 087 2253845