Parish Newsletter September 16th,2018

Parish of Sts. Columbanus & Gall, Milltown, Dublin 6  

September 16th,2018 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

‘For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.’
(Mark 8)

This Week’s Feast Days

Mon. 17th: St. Robert

Wed.19th: St. Januarius

Thurs.20th: St. Andrew Kim

Fri. 21st: St. Matthew


Thank you for your contributions to last Sunday’s collections.

The Offertory Collection amounted to €1185 and the Share collection amounted to €785.

The Social Support Agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin– will have their Annual Collection for Community & Homeless Services at all Masses this weekend. This collection will replace the normal SHARE COLLECTION.

Copies of the September, October & November Rota for Eucharistic Ministers is available for collection from the Parish Office.

Milltown Parish Bridge Club

Milltown Parish Bridge Club meet in the Parish Pastoral Centre on Monday morning and Wednesday evening. New members are welcome. For more details please  see


Parish Pastoral Council

The September meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on this Tuesday, September 18th in the Parish Pastoral Centre


Parish’s Active Retirement Group

The Parish’s Active Retirement Group will resume their Gentle Activity to Music sessions on this Wednesday Sept. 19th after the 10am Mass in the Parish Pastoral Centre.


Most Revd M. Jackson will re-dedicate the organ

The Most Revd M. Jackson will re-dedicate the organ in Sandford Church on Sunday 23rd September at 6.30 pm. This will be followed by a Recital by David Leigh, Organist and Assistant Master of Music at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. All welcome

Coffee Morning

There will be a Coffee Morning in aid of the Hospice in the Parish Pastoral Centre on Thursday September 20th. All welcome.

Milltown Parish Project 200 Building Works:

Thank you to those who have donated to our Building Fund. Please note that the correct IBAN No. for donations is IE90ULSB98505006326277.

Our new Parish Website is now active.  Just search online for Milltown Parish.  The address is

Craft Mornings

CRAFT MORNING: perhaps you have a craft which you enjoy? If so, please come along to the Parish Pastoral Centre between 10am–12.30pm on Thursday mornings, where parishioners will have an opportunity to share their creative talents.

Spirituality Programme

There are still places available on the Spirituality Programme being offered by the Dominican Centre, Sion Hill, Blackrock. This two-year part-time programme takes place on Thursday evenings from 7.00 – 9.30pm and on six Saturdays each year.  It starts on 27 September 2018. It is open to all, no prior learning is required and there are no exams. For further information contact Anne Ryan,, 086 884 3652.

The Legion of Mary’s Annual Pilgrimage to Knock

The Legion of Mary’s Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday, 30th Sept. Coach departs Ryan’s, Windy Arbour at 8am. For further details, please contact Una at 087 2253845.