Nineteenth Sunday Bulletin

Parish of The Assumption and Sts. Columbanus & Gall, Milltown Road, Dublin 6 D06 NX24                        

Parish Contact Details                     Fr. Peter Briscoe: 2196600       

Parish Office: 2196740

Parish Centre: 2680041              

Parish Email Address


Parish Web Site:

Registered Charity Number: RCN 20016166

August 8th, 2021

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 

“I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever” – John 6

This Week’s Feast Days

Monday 9thSt. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) virgin and martyr, Patron of Europe

Tuesday 10th:  St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr

Wednesday 11thSt. Clare, virgin 

 Thank you for your donations to last week’s Offertory and Share Collections. Donations to these collections can be made online from our Parish Website at:

We offer our condolences to the family and friends of Eddie Croke and Monica Metcalfe whose funerals took place during the last week. May they rest in peace.

Volunteers are needed for stewarding and sanitizing the church after our weekend Masses. Please contact Fr. Peter or the Parish Office if you are available to help.

 Our Parish Church is opened for the public to attend Mass. Please note that attendance in this church is limited to a maximum of 50 people

Mass Times

Monday – Saturday 10am.

 Vigil Mass on Saturday – 6pm

Sunday Mass – 10am and 11.30am.

All Masses in Milltown Parish will be available online.  These Masses can be viewed at: or

The church will remain open for private prayer on Monday – Saturday 10.45 to 5.30pm, and on Sunday from 12.30pm – 5.30pm.


Dear Parishioners,

Firstly we wish to say a warm word of thanks to you for your great generosity to the Christmas and Easter Dues and the First Sunday Collection, all of which go towards the payment of the priests of the parish and the diocese.

Our Archbishop has now written to tell us that the extended period without Sunday Masses this year has meant a dramatic drop in monies received by the Diocese’s ‘Common Fund’, the fund from which the priests are paid. This fund is now at an all-time low and we need to build it up. 

So the Diocese has introduced a special ‘Summer Dues’ appeal in the hope of making up some of the short-fall. ‘Summer Offering’ envelopes are available in the church.

These envelopes may be returned to the Parish Office or handed in to the Sacristy or to any of the priests.

We are very aware that these have been challenging times for everyone and we do appreciate all the many ways in which you have already given us your support.

Wishing you every blessing,

Frs. Peter and Alan