Milltown Parish Weekly Bulletin – August 23rd 2020

Parish of Sts. Columbanus & Gall, Milltown, Dublin
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 23rd, 2020

The use of face coverings by all those attending indoor religious services is strongly recommended. This means that non-wearing of face coverings should only occur in exceptions circumstances.

In certain circumstances, (and this would include smaller Churches or places that are not well ventilated) the wearing of face coverings is obligatory by virtue of the general norms and is legally binding.

+Diarmuid Martin
Archbishop of Dublin


Congratulations to the pupils from Alexandra College who were confirmed here during the last week.

Donations to the weekly Offertory and Share Collections can be made on our parish Website at


This Week’s Feast Days

Monday 24thth: St. Bartholomew, Apostle
Thursday 27th; St. Monica, Patron saint of mothers
Friday 28th: St. Augustine, bishop and doctor of the Church
Saturday 29th: The Passion of St. John the Baptist

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.


Our parish church is open for public Mass on Sundays at 10am and 11.30am and from at 10am from Monday to
There is no public Mass on Saturday morning, Saturday evening or Sunday evening.

The Parish Church remains open for private prayer from 10.45am – 5.30pm on Monday to Saturday.

On Sundays the church is open following sanitising after the 11.30am Mass.
Our thanks to all who have volunteered to help with the re-opening of our church for public Masses.


Some additional volunteers are required to help with stewarding and sanitising especially on Sunday mornings in August. Please phone Fr. Peter Briscoe (2196600) or the Parish Office at: 2196740 / 2680041.


Mass at Milltown is live streamed and can be accessed from this website and on mcnmediatv.

By following the instructions below you can access mcnmediatv:

Google mcnmediatv
· Open MCN Media / CCTV, Sound & Live Streaming Specialists

· Select and insert Republic of Ireland in the left hand search box at the base of the screen and Dublin in the right hand search box.

· Select page 2 where you will find a picture of Milltown Parish Church

· Press arrow and you will have access to live streamed Mass in Milltown Parish Church.
