Holy Week and Easter Message from Milltown Parish

Dear Parishioner,


On behalf of all of us on the parish team here in Milltown we would like to offer you and your loved ones our very best wishes for this Holy Week and Easter. It is a special season of grace and our prayer is that faith in God’s life-giving love may help us through the challenging times in which we find ourselves.


While we have had to suspend all public Masses and Services and also close our church building, our Masses and prayers are still being offered for you and your intentions.


Our parish website has a weekly newsletter and some prayer resources. The Dublin diocese website has information about where to find Mass online.


May we offer you some prayers which have been shared with us and which you may find helpful.


God of healing, we pray especially for all who sustain us in these days: for hospital chaplains, for medical professionals, for staff in our shops, for those who keep our streets and places of work clean, for our political leaders. We are in this together and together we entrust all these people to your special blessing. Amen.

God of hope, in these days fear has gripped us all and we are afraid of what might happen to us and to those we love. Pour into our hearts your Holy Spirit, our advocate, to  give us the strength and calm we need to live through this terrible time. Amen.

God of love, we know that nothing matters more than the people in our lives. We ask your blessing on those we love. Give us your compassion, your patient love, that we may reach out to all who need our help, especially the vulnerable. Amen.

God of faith, we renew our faith in you, our loving Father. Let us feel again in our lives the promise of your Son to be with us always to the end of the age. Show us how to live through this epidemic as people of faith. May this time of testing be a time of grace. Amen.

May we conclude with a prayer adapted from the Easter Sunday Mass –

God our Father, by raising Christ your Son you conquered the power of death and opened for us the way to eternal life. May your presence with us in our homes this Easter raise us up and renew our lives by your Spirit that is within us. Amen.


Wishing you every blessing,


Frs. Peter and Alan