Parish Newsletter August 19th,2018

Parish of Sts. Columbanus & Gall, Milltown, Dublin 6  

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Anyone who eats this bread will live forever

(John 6)

 This Week’s Feast Days

 Mon. 20th: St. Bernard

Tues. 21st: St. Pius X Pope

Wed. 22nd: The Queenship of Mary

Thurs. 23rd: St. Eugene

Fri. 24th: St. Bartholomew



Thank you for your contributions to last Sunday’s collections.

The Offertory Collection amounted to €1172 and the Share collection amounted to €820.

 Please note there will be no Bethany Meeting in August. The next meeting of the Bethany Group will take place on Wednesday, September 19th.

Milltown Parish Project 200 Building Works

Thank you to those who have donated to our Building Fund. Please note that the correct IBAN No. for donations is IE90ULSB98505006326277

To assist us with bank regulations we ask you to make cheques payable to Milltown



Perhaps you have a craft which you enjoy? If so, please come along to the Parish Pastoral Centre between 10am–12.30pm on Thursday mornings, where parishioners will have an opportunity to share their creative talents.



Saint John of God Hospital

Saint John of God Hospital are holding an 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course. This 8-week course will start on Tuesday, 11th September. It will take place on Tuesday evenings from 6pm to 8. The course also includes one full day of Mindfulness.

The course will take place in Saint John of God Hospital, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.  The cost is €350. Full tuition, support and course material provided.  For further information contact Anne O’Farrell on 01-277 1472 or

An Adult Education Certificate in Spirituality is being offered by the The Dominican Centre, Blackrock. This two-year part-time programme runs on Thursday evenings and on six Saturdays.  It begins on 27 September 2018.  For further information contact Anne Ryan, mob: 086 884 3652, email:, 086 884 3652.




Update on Milltown Parish Project 200 Building Works

Please be advised that works on the church will commence on this Monday, August 20th.

During the building works the church will be closed for all religious services from Mondays to Fridays (at any time) and on Saturdays until the evening.

Sunday Masses, (including the 6pm Vigil Mass on Saturdays), i.e.  Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 10.00am, 11.30am and 5.30pm will be held in the Parish Church

The 10.00am Mass (Monday to Saturdays) will be celebrated in the Parish Pastoral Centre.

Baptisms will be celebrated in the Church on Sundays.

Since the church will be closed for all mornings –  Mondays to Saturdays we will not be able to hold Funeral services here. Special arrangements are to be put in place.